Installing Android APK (napper/sdtv) on Amazon FireStick

So a few of you guys on the forum is looking for a new box for Napper and the Fire Tv stick is one of the candidate.

This guide will allow you to install (sideload) APK’s onto your Fire TV stick.

Requirements: You will need a Android phone or tablet with connection to the Google Playstore and install the following app Easy Fire Tools onto your phone or tablet

  1. Connect and setup your Fire TV stick, make sure the stick is on the same WiFi as your phone/tablet
  2. Once the Fire TV stick is ready to go. Go into Settings -> My Fire TV -> Developer Options -> Enable both ADB Debugging & Apps from Unknown Sources
  3. Go on your phone/tablet and open the Easy Fire Tools app. Now click on the leftmost top right button. This will tell the app to look for your Fire TV Stick. Once it is able to locate it, click on the button to the right. It will now attempt to connect your phone/tablet to your Fire TV stick.
  4. If you look on your Fire TV stick screen now, you should now see a new pop up that’s asking if you want to give permission for an address for USB debugging. Check Always Allow and then Ok
  5. Now you should be able to browse your Easy Fire Tools app and start sending android app onto the Fire Tv stick.

That’s it!

One problem with the Fire TV with napper Chinese is when you attempt to enter the activation code using the remote it will double type… So you may need to use a mouse or keyboard to enter the code.

Napper English activation is without issue. ~ Enterprise grade business web hosting!

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