Tagged: htv


Latest official App’s APK for HTV

If your HTV didn’t automatically update the Apps then you can download the following package, extract and put it on a USB and plug it into your HTV to install it. https://mega.nz/#!CBlhXIpB!0L814ud00JRYy0mdNwzglEDfE7FMyVn6MJTz_lW98jg Thanks to...


Save $15 on HTV3 and TVPad 4 purchase !

Thanks to our new sponsors htv-box.com & cntvpad.com, they have provided our readers with a $15 off coupon. Not to mention they also offer free worldwide shipping by DHL ! For TVPAD 4 -> http://tvpadtalk.ca/discussion/777/coupons...


Hong Kong Viu TV now up!

The new Hong Kong channel Viu TV is now available on both HTV3 and UBTV. Have yet to see it on the TVPad channel listing yet. Edit: now on TVPad 4 as well Check...