How to setup remote viewing on Android/iOS/Windows/Mac for your TVPad, Moonbox, Ubox, HTV

I have a few forum members asking me how to watch their TVPad remotely or on another screen. So here it is.



Depending on your budget there will be 1-2 extra component you will need for remote viewing.

  1. Video streamer (Video reboradcaster)
  2. HDMI to component converter **Not required if your video streamer have a HDMI input/output

Poorman setup

For the poorman’s setup, you will need a streamer with at least a component input/output.  The media box (TVpad,HTV,Moonbox,Ubox) HDMI signal will go into the HDMI-Component converter. The component output will then be connected to the video streamer (Slingbox,Vulkano) componnet input. The output of the video streamer will then be connected to the component of the TV.

Richman setup

If you have extra money and you want to spend on this setup, you will need to buy a streamer with a HDMI input/output. The only box I know that have such option is the Slingbox 500. For this setup the media box HDMI signal will go directly to the video streamer, then the HDMI output for the video streamer will go to the TV HDMI.

Local Viewing

Once everything is connected (including the network connection) you should be able to connect and watch live with the app for the video streamer you are using. No router configuration is necessary

Remote Viewing

If you want to watch remotely (outside of your network) then you will need to open the port for your router to forward to your video streamer.

Slingbox port: 5001

Vulkano: 56123

Once the port has been forwarded properly to your video streamer, you should be able to connect to your home network’s external IP and it’s associated port for your streamer

To find your external IP, you can go on

If you are not familiar on your router’s port forward setup, you can goto to get help

Software Files

Vulkano computer software-

Vulkano Android App-

Vulkano iOS App-

Slingbox Browser viewing-

Slingplayer Android phone Free (Slingbox 500, Slingbox M2, Slingbox M1, SLINGBOX 500, SLINGBOX 350, SLINGBOX PRO-HD, SLINGBOX SOLO) –

Slingplayer Android tablet Free (Slingbox 500, Slingbox M2, Slingbox M1, SLINGBOX 500, SLINGBOX 350, SLINGBOX PRO-HD, SLINGBOX SOLO)-

Slingplayer iPhone-

Slingplayer iPad-

Slingplayer (for older slingboxes) – Windows


Slingbox IR Blaster File-!ScUD0RYb!h6GiSpmNlrCX1hoTG3_R01Q5EcfckFIDR3C-2Acn8Dc


This tutorial will teach you how to watch your TVPad, HTV3, Moonbox, Ubox remotely on an Android, iPhone, iPad, Windows, Mac computer.
Network Rebroadcast Device (Video Streamer)
Slingbox 350 $64.9 @ Amazon (NO HDMI-Require HDMI converter) –
Vulkano Flow $99 @ Amazon (No HDMI- Require HDMI converter) –
Slingbox M2 $139.44 @ Amazon (NO HDMI- Require HDMI converter) –
Sliingbox 500 (Refurbished) $169.99 @ Amazon (With HDMI) –
Sliingbox 500 $230 @ Amazon (With HDMI) –

HDMI to Component Converter $25.50 @ amazon –

Forums Link:

IPTV Streaming without Kodi

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